
Document Imaging Software Selection

More businesses and colleges are using document imaging systems. They have found that there is a relatively short payback period on such a purchase. Education Strategies management and technology consultants help colleges analyze the cost and return on investment for such imaging systems.

The imaging consultant flowcharts a document’s process through the college and analyzes the cost of the paper flow. The consultant also reviews the institution’s document achieving policies to determine if it meets current guidelines. A report is provided outlining the findings with recommendations on how to streamline current processes. If it is determined that an imaging system provides an acceptable return on investment, an RFP is developed.

The consultant works with the vendors to protect the time of the selection committee. He provides a consolidated report of the vendors’ responses and organizes the demonstrations of the vendors’ imaging systems.

After the committee has selected a vendor, the consultant negotiates the price and terms of the contract. Since each of the documents has already been flowcharted it reduces the cost of the implementation and save time for the vendor.